A short post after a long absence!


It’s been more than twenty days that I haven’t written anything. I had been suffering from flu and I must say that I had missed you all in these days.

Mike Wallagher one of the senior blogger admits that this world of blogosphere has got a strange attraction. So,I must confess that I have got addicted to it.I love to interact with people and reading their stories gives me an immense joy. Lots of things have happened in these twenty days.

I would love to know about your stories. Flu and coughing did not allow me to leave my bed. How did you celebrate your holidays?

I’m off to read your blogs. Wishing you all a very happy new year.

May God bless you all!

16 thoughts on “A short post after a long absence!

  1. Aww, hope your well now?
    Flu certainly is most annoying, and the soar throat that comes with it ughhh!!
    Its like, your brain closes to almost everything thats happening :/
    Well, welcome back!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Welcome back 🙂 I hope you have recovered completely 🙂 The holiday fun was in full vigor,I am sure you will have a great time in catching them up 🙂


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