Bellowing train!

Those were the desperate days of my life when I was diligently writing stories and the publishers were ruthlessly refusing them. Once, I lost hope and decided to stop writing, when my sister asked me if I had ever observed a bellowing train and I said, “Yes”, for I loved observing things and she knew it.

Smiling softly, she said, “The bellowing engine is a call for life, Its “woo woo” is a note of happiness. Never become a stagnant pool of water, Go and tell everyone that you can write.

And, from that day, I never looked back. It’s been a long time and, while scribbling down these thoughts, I can recall those last days of my sister. She was ill and was admitted in the hospital.

Readers often ask me that why I write stories about railway engines. The reason for my love for trains is my sister. She was my strength and lying on her bed she once said to me, “Anna, my life ends here but yours is just beginning.” (174 words)


This is my submission to Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers.Thank you Priceless Joy for another exciting prompt. This week’s photo prompt is provided by Louise of THE STORYTELLER’S ABODE. Thank you Louise, I love this picture 🙂

24 thoughts on “Bellowing train!

    1. Sorry, I got late in replying. I’m glad to receive your beautiful comment. I was afraid that the tone of my stories is getting depressed. But, if you find it inspiring to read then It’s a great achievement for me 🙂

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    1. You’ll agree that there exist an attraction in blood relations. At the end of the day, it is our parents and our siblings to whom we’d like to rush in our hours of difficulty.

      I’m glad to receive your feedback here and I’m happy that you find this story interesting to read 🙂

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    1. Sometimes our loss and pain change our personality. Person becomes more strong and that’s what Anna learns through her experience.
      Thanks PJ for your feedback and thank you for all your efforts here 🙂

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  1. That’s a really beautiful story. It seems real, like it actually happened. I’m glad the sister was so instrumental in helping her sibling to write!

    Liked by 1 person

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