

My concluding lines

Formula to survive in life

Never rest, just keep moving.

Image Courtesy: Google Image

This post is in response to Cooleen’s weekly poetry challenge. We have provided two words ‘plan’ and ‘finish’ and were asked to use synonyms only.

For “plan” I’ve used “formula” and for “finish”, I’ve used “conclusion”.


Creative day


Sound of lawn mower

Singing myna, hopping sparrows

My haven for writing,

Embracing this form of day

I have fallen in love with life.

Lately, I’ve been noticing this change in my writing habit that stillness of night creates hindrance in my creative writing process. During the day when there’s the sound of life on the street outside my home, my mind remains active.

This morning, when I could hear the sound of lawn mower in my neighbor’s garden and twittering of sparrows on my terrace, I was thinking nothing but this very line that “I’m in love with life”.

This post is response to Silver’s Weekly #Tanka #Poetry Prompt Challenge #5 SHAPES & HEART.


For heart I’ve used love and for shapes, I’ve used form.

Image Courtesy:

My lighthouse

photo by William Bout – here's a bigger version

On my way back to home, I was worried and I was tense, yet I smiled the moment I saw that bright face boy.

I know when sunlight fades, darkness emerges, it is part of nature; we can’t change it but the thing which could be changed is the way we look towards life and I feel no shame in admitting that a ten-year-old boy has recently taught me this lesson.

I’m happy and I admit that the image of that boy on wheel-chair would always act as a light-house in my life.

This post is in response to Three Line Tales, Week Thirty-Eight by Sonya. The photo for this challenge is provided by William Bout.




Selfless- service

three line tales week 36 service

Ours was a group in class, who never showed interest in studies and the day our teacher’s daughter died, imagining a day-off from Mathematics we took a sigh of relief but when we were busy in chatting and enjoying ourselves, the classroom door opened and the weary face of our teacher appeared.

On that day he was coming straight from graveyard and when one of his colleagues asked him to take a leave; he broke into tears and said,

“Perhaps this act of mine would make God happy and He’ll make home for my daughter in Paradise.”

(Above story is an inspiration from a real life event which I read in a book of a civil servant.)

This post is in response to Three Line Tales, Week Thirty-Six by SONYA. Picture for this week’s challenge is provided by  Mike Wilson.


A Perfect Gift

golden gift

She wanted to find the perfect gift to express how she truly felt about her mother.

She looked for some dress and then for some jewelry but soon dropped the idea, for she remembered that her mother preferred to remain simple and when she parked a car in front of a book store, she thought to buy a book but didn’t enter in a book shop, for there were already a great number of them at home.

It was getting late and she was desperately looking for some gift when on seeing something, her eyes sparkled and a smile appeared on her face.

On that evening after cutting a cake,both mother and daughter stayed up till late at night. The smell of fresh roses filled the room as holding the hand of her mother she enjoyed listening her talking.

Earlier in the day, when she was looking for some gift, she saw a  woman who was enjoying listening to the chattering of her child.

At that moment, she realized that all her mother wanted was but her time.



Today’s Prompt:

She wanted to find the perfect gift to express how she truly felt about her mother.

Hope in Despair

132 11 November 29th 2015

The continuous search left him tired. He was looking for some green spot but everything seemed to be hidden behind the misty cloak.

The smog covered the road and in such helpless condition; a silent prayer emerged from his doleful heart and next moment his thirsty eyes found that spot.

Kneeling on ground, child was busy in digging a plant when he felt something fell on ground.

It was a bird.

He took the bird in his hands and tried to feel the presence of life but bird didn’t move.

Then, softly and gently, he placed it on the ground where little leaves of freshly planted tree silently cried for that deceased bird and moment the yellow sunshine fell on ground, boy saw an unusual scene.

Later, no one believed but the boy was sure that lying under the shade of green leaves, the bird smiled for a last time.



plat trees
In the wake of pollution, planting trees is our only hope

This post is a response to Sunday Photo Fiction hosted by Alistair Forbes.


A roundup of great reads

great reads

Like something delicious to eat, writers are always looking for something sweet to read.

Writing 101 prompt asks me to share a round up of great posts which I’ve read this week. I’ll be honest, this past week I didn’t read much blogs but these are some of the posts which I love to share with you.

Cab drivers and maps

Amanda author of the blog mandibelle16 shared her experience of travelling in cabs. It’s a brilliant write up which shows her deep observation of her surroundings. I like the natural flow of her thoughts and here is a link to her post

The Deeper Purple

Nicodemas  author of the blog Ancient Skies  writes this beautiful poem. The depth, magic and the use of beautiful imagery are all very inspiring. Here is a link to his post

Letters to Heaven

Hayley author of the blog  Dear Dad writes this heart warming post. A worth read tribute to her late father. I love the way she express her feelings and I’m sure that reading it will left your eyes teary. Here is a link to her post

Truth about marriage

Brey author of blog Ordinary Adventures shares her thoughts about her married life. The mere reading of this post will keep you glued to your seats and you’ll end up hitting the follow button on her blog.

Here is a link to her post